維他奶 // Baptism Testimony


On December 10th 2022, I was baptised into Christ. The ceremony was a public declaration made to the Church — that I identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, and that I vow to turn to him for a new life. The English version of the testimony was written at a later date.
















Since the very beginning of my life, I have been blessed with everything I could have ever asked for. While some of you may know me by my English name Yanni, my Chinese name “Yan To” means “created with blessing”. I owe this name to my Aunt Ada who came up with it and to my parents who decided to name me “Yan To”. Today, it is clear that I am wonderfully made — every inch of my physique and personality is a product of God’s divine blessing.

From a young age, I’ve always been awed by the words of Christ. I believed in the resurrection of Christ — that he sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins and rose from death, so that we could receive eternal life. And I believed that one day I would see him returning from heaven with power and great glory. For me, the imagery of these scenes were enough to convince me of his grace and power. And Christians around me have always put their utmost effort into proclaiming the fullness of this truth — some of my most vivid memories came from brief plays and bible studies from Sunday School. In fact, a recent sitting at the Imperial College Christian Union Mark Drama has brought all these memories back.

But I have always felt a distance from my Lord. I think what makes the Christian faith such a challenge to maintain, is the fact that the Word can feel so malleable at times, especially in times of adversity. Having dedicated nearly my entire childhood to an endless pursuit for knowledge and (hopefully) a bright career, how can my life ever be a living image of God’s glory? In the pursuit for unseen eternal pleasure, what lies in my present? Afterall, if my Faith is solely established upon the future, there surely is no purpose in the present! And it is in these times that I feel as if my Lord is playing a game of hide and seek with me. He was good but I neither felt his presence in me nor my dependence in Him.

Fast forward to 2022 and I experience what has been one of the most emotionally turbulent rides of my life, which was spending 6 months in Leicester. This was a period where I was learning to make a living in a relatively foreign place — a foreign city, an entirely new set of social circles, and a living style that greatly departed from my lifestyle as a student. I began shopping around for Churches to land at — which perhaps isn’t the right way to view the body of Christ, but an unsurprising move as I was searching for identity and purpose. In this end I landed at the Young Adult Fellowship at Martyrs, defined by its devoted population of young Christians from diverse cultural backgrounds and different walks of life, each with unique stories about their lives and their encounters with god. Best of all, it welcome newcomers as if they’ve been part of the family this time along, and I felt as if they’ve been waiting for ever for me to come.

Though I have no plans to live in Leicester in the near future, these 6 months has certainly given me two important lessons. Firstly, I would like to discuss about Church and fellowship. All fellowships offer a refuge to experience god’s abundant love, but had I my established my emotions solely based on this expectation would I have missed the most crucial reward of attending a fellowship! Besides the generous hospitality I have been offered, I have been constantly questioned about my faith and my devotion towards spreading God’s gospel. And in the various opportunities I had to spread the Gospel I became more aware of the questions akin to non-believers’ view of Christianity — specifically its seemingly strict imposition on our freedoms, the personal relationship with God that Christian’s claim to have yet never seem to attain, and the hypocrisy that Christians hold in politics and in society. However, I’m afraid I do not have answers that will satisfy everyone, though I reckon nor does C.S. Lewis — but before I venture too far off my original intentions all I want to say is that fellowship has offered me a space to critically reflect on myself, and through a community of devoting Christians, learn to open our hearts to the lord. The second thing that I have learnt to dealt with is loneliness, or rather the illusion of dealing with loneliness. I believe my loneliness has always been driven by my pursuit for identity and purpose, but over time I’ve came to realise, or perhaps more accurately, recognise, the root cause. All this time it is as if I have been trying to keep God close enough to me — to save me from the darkest fears and to tread through the challenges of life. But at the same time it is as if I have been trying to keep him far enough so that I can decide what I can do. Unfortunately this is undeniably the way I treat my parents (or in general, the way everyone treats their parents), so as restless as I can be at times, I have to recognise that akin to my relationship with my parents, it is in Him I can truly rest — where I am free from judgement to enjoy the world He has intended me to. In fact I have come to realise that quitting my restless pursuits rest is a way of celebrating and spreading the goodness of our Lord!

Make no mistake — my motivation to be baptised is not solely driven by my experience in Leicester. It just happened to be a tipping point in series of blessings from my Lord. Often I expect less of what my Lord prepares for me and fall into the temptation of living my own ways, ignoring the fact that his Grace prevails to me in all kinds of miraculous ways, and my earlier statement reflects this. My baptism into Christ, therefore, is a declaration to put my trust entirely in Him. With this in mind, I finish this piece with the reassurance that my faith lies within Him, whose love would surround me wherever I go and in whatever stage of life I might find myself in.



One response to “維他奶 // Baptism Testimony”

  1. Hi Hairstyles Avatar

    I’d like to find out more? I’d love to find out more details.